👋Welcome to Web3Shield!


Web3Shield is a suite of insurance, privacy and security centric products Brought to you by a team of dedicated Web3 and Insurance SMEs striving to ease the process of global Web3 adoption, ushering in a new era of decentralization!

Product Suite

Web3Shield's Product Suite is meticulously designed to provide a robust shield for the decentralized digital landscape. Comprising innovative insurance, privacy, and security solutions, we strive to empower users and projects with tools that safeguard assets and foster confidence in the ever-evolving world of Web3.

  • Bridge LP Insurance (Coming soon)

  • Wallet Insurance (Coming soon)

  • Transaction Insurance (Coming soon)

  • Private DeFi (Coming soon)

  • Trading Insurance (Coming soon)

Crypto Bridge Insurance

In the dynamic and interconnected world of blockchain, cross-chain transactions have become a vital component of modern digital asset management. Web3Shield's Crypto Bridge Insurance product is designed to provide a safeguard in this critical area, offering users a seamless way to insure their transactions when bridging crypto from one chain to another. Recognizing the inherent complexities and potential vulnerabilities of cross-chain operations, our innovative insurance solution is more than a safety net; it's a commitment to user empowerment, transparency, and the continual growth of a secure and decentralized digital ecosystem. With Crypto Bridge Insurance, you bridge with confidence, knowing that Web3Shield is with you every step of the way.

Read more about our insurance product here:

Get Started

We've put together some helpful guides for you to get setup with our product quickly and easily.

Last updated